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人教必修1·第1单元·重难点详解(21)  ■本站特约作者 何素秀 供稿  41. have to 后面可以被动的不定式吗?【教材原句】I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. (p.2)译文:我一直呆到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。【用法说明】have to 的意思是“不得不”“必须”“非……不可”,其后通常接主动的动词不定式。如:  You’dhave to change buses at least twice. 你至少要换两次车。  In any case, you’ll have to be at the station by nine. 无论如何你九点钟得赶到车站。  But above all tell me quickly what I have to do now. 但现在首先要告诉我要去做什么。  We’ve missed the bus. It looks as if we’ll have to walk. 我们错过了公共汽车,看来我们得走路了。   I don’t understand their language; you’ll have to act as interpreter. 我不懂他们的语言,你得当翻译了。  ◆但若语义需要,后接被动的不定式也是可以的。如:  Poems have to be translated quite freely. 诗歌只能根据意思来灵活翻译。  The cowshave to be milked before daylight. 母牛在黎明前必须挤奶。  Following the storm, a great many houses will have to be rebuilt. 风暴过后,大量房子将需要重建。  Actors have to be made up before they appear on stage. 演员们在出场前必需有人给他们化妆。  He’s getting so fat that his trousers have to be let out round the waist. 他越来越胖,裤腰都得放宽了。  Some people entertain themselves by reading; others have to be entertained by the radio and television. 有些人读书自娱,有些人则必须听广播和看电视消遣。    42. it was the first time that… 中的 that 从句用什么时态?  【教材原句】  it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face. (p.2)  译文:这是我一年半以来第一次亲眼目睹的夜晚。  【用法说明】  根据英语语法习惯,it was the first time that… 中的 that 从句习惯上要用过去完成时时态。如:  It was the first time thatI had ever driven a taxi. 这是我第一次开出租车。  It was the first time thatI spoke in public. 这是我第一次在公共场合发言。  ◆类似地,it is the first time that… 中的 that 从句习惯上要用现在完成时时态。如:  It’s the first time I’ve come here. 这是我第一次来这儿。  It’s the first time thathe has seen an elephant. 这是他第一次见到大象。  Is this the first time that you have stayed here? 你到这里来,这是第一次吗?   【用法补充】face to face 是什么意思?短语 face to face 的意思是“面对面”。如:I was pleased to finally meet him face to face. 我很高兴终于跟他见面了。若表示“与……面对面”,则用 face to face with。如:He stood face to face with her. 他与她面对面站着。He cameface to face with death. 他面临死亡。The burglar turned the corner and found himself face to face with a policeman. 那窃贼转过墙角,面对面碰上一个警察。 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~

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