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人教必修1·第1单元·重难点详解(14)■本站特约作者 陈根花 供稿  27. below 可置于名词后作定语吗?  【教材原句】  Skim the first paragraph of the reading passage below and find who was Anne’s best friend. (p.2)  译文:浏览下面阅读材料第一个段落,找出看谁是安妮最好的朋友。  【用法说明】  当 below 用作副词时,它可以用于名词后定语。如:  Write your name in the place below. 把你的名字写在下面的空格处。  Choose the proper words from the list below. 从下表中选择适当的词。  Not feel ashamed to ask and learn from people below. 不耻下问。  From the hill top we could see the plains below. 从山顶我们可以看到下方的平原。  另外,below 用作副词还可用作状语和表语。如:The grocery was below. 杂货店在下面。(below 用作表语)A detailed description is given below. 下面将作详细的描绘。(below 用作状语)  28. whom 引导定语从句时有何特点?  【教材原句】  Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? (p.2)  译文:你想不想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友?  【用法说明】  关系代词 whom 在定语从句中通常只用于指人,不用于指事物。它在句子中主要用作宾语。如:  He is the manto whom gave the money. 他就是我给他钱的那个男人。  She married the man to whom she was engaged. 她嫁给了与她订婚的那个男人。  若直接用于介词后作宾语,只能用whom;但是,若不是直接用于介词后,则也可用who代替whom。如:  Then I telephoned the doctor whom [who] Charles had recommended. 于是我给查尔斯推荐的医生了电话。  whom 除用于引导限制性定语从句外,还可引导非限制性定语从句。如:  Peter, whom everyone suspected, turned out to be innocent. 彼得,大家都怀疑他,结果证明是无罪的。  She introduced me to her husband, whom I hadn’t met before. 她把我介绍给她丈夫,我以前没见过他。  She went to work with my brother, whom she later married. 她去跟我兄弟一起工作,后来和他结了婚。     说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~

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