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人教必修1·第1单元·重难点详解(07)■本站特约作者 陈根花 供稿  13. that if 是什么意思?【教材原句】You will let your friend borrow it, but tell him / her that if the camera is broken again, he / she will have to pay to get it repaired. (p.1)译文:你会把照相机借给朋友,但是告诉他(她),如果这次再摔坏,他(她)得自己掏钱去修。【用法说明】  有时that可以与if搭配使用,构成that if这样的形式,其中的that 用于引导名词性从句(如宾语从句),而其中的if则用于引导条件状语从句。如:  He saidthat if I had time I was to wash the floor. 他说如果我有时间的话就擦一擦地板。  He said that if his children were older he would emigrate. 他说如果他的孩子们再大点的话他就会移居国外。  Bill saidthat if he had the instruction manual he would know what to do. 比尔说如果他有说明书他就知道该怎么弄了。  He saidthat if she had loved Tom she wouldn’t have left him. 他说如果她喜欢汤姆的话就不会离开他。  He saidthat if I passed my test he would buy me a car. 他说如果我通过考试,他将给我买辆汽车。  He said that if he fell asleep at the wheel she was to wake him up. 他说,如果他在开车时打瞌睡,她必须把他叫醒。  He said that if he caught the plane he would be home by five. 他说他如果能赶上那班飞机,5点钟以前就可以到家了。  【句型变换】  这类句子通常可以将if引导的条件从句移至句末而意思不变。如:  He said that if he had a permit he could get a job.=He said that he could get a job if he had a permit. 他说如果他有许可证就能找到工作。  He said that if the floods got worse they would have to leave the house.=He said that they would have to leave the house if the floods got worse 他说如果洪水涨得更高,他们就得离开那所房子。  Tom saidthat if she wanted to stay on she would have to work harder. =Tom said that she would have to work harder if she wanted to stay on. 汤姆说她如果想继续留在那儿,就必须更努力地工作。  He was sure that if he drank any more of this good red wine he would fall asleep.=He was sure that he would fall asleep if he drank any more of this good red wine. 他敢肯定如果他再多喝一点这种上乘的红酒,他会睡着的。    14. 形容词可用作状语吗?  【教材原句】  Your friend comes to school very upset. (p.1)译文:你的朋友来到学校心情很不好。【用法归纳】  形容词在句子中的主要作用是用作表语、定语、宾语补足语等,但有时它也可用作状语。一般说来,形容词用作状语主要表示以下用法:  (1) 表示伴随(即用作伴随状语)。如:  Your friend comes to school very upset. 你的朋友来到学校心情很不好。  They waited, breathless, for the result. 他们屏住呼吸等待结果。  The manager approached us full of apologies. 经理满怀歉意向我们走来。  The boy nodded, pale and scared. 男孩点点头,脸色苍白十分惊恐。  (2) 表示原因(即用作原因状语)。如:  Overjoyed, she dashed out of the house. 她非常高兴,急步跑出屋去。  Curious, we looked around for other guests. 由于好奇,我们向四面看看有什么别的客人。  Greatly disappointed, he decided to leave the place. 他大为失望,决定离开这个地方。  Unable to afford bus fares, she walked to interviews. 由于没有钱坐公共汽车,她走路去参加面试。  (3) 表示结果(即用作结果状语)。如:  He emerged from the accident unharmed. 他在车祸中没有受伤。  The children came home, tired and hungry. 孩子们回到家里,又累又饿。  (4) 表示让步(即用作让步状语)。如:  Right or wrong, he always comes off worst in an argument because of his inability to speak coherently. 由于讲话语无伦次,所以不论有理没理,他在辩论中的表现总是非常糟糕。  Wet or fine, he got up at six and took a walk in the park. 不管是晴天还是下雨天,他总是六点钟起床,并到公园里散散步。  (5) 表示说话人的态度(即用作语法上的评注性状语,也有的语法书称之为独立成分)。如:  Strange to say, he is still ignorant of it. 说也奇怪,他还不知道这件事。  More important, he’s got a steady job. 更重要的是他得到了一个稳定的工作。  And most important of all, she had faith in him. 况且最重要的是,她对他有信心。  (5) 表示时间或条件(即用作时间状语或条件状语,具体需视语境而定)。如:  Ripe, these apples are sweet. (=When / If these ap

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