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人教必修1·第1单元·重难点详解(11)■本站特约作者 陈根花 供稿  21. 表示“参加考试”用动词take还是take part in?【教材原句】You are taking your end-of-term exam. (p.1)译文:你即将参加期末考试。【用法说明】表示“参加比赛、活动等”,英语通常用 take part in。如:He took part in many school activities. 他参加学校的许多活动。We invited him to take part in the celebration. 我们邀请他一起参加庆祝会。How many countries will take part in the World Cup? 有多少国家参加世界杯? 但是,表示“参加考试”习惯上不用 take part in,而用 take,也可用 sit 或 sit for。如:Of those who took the exam, only thirty percent passed. 参加考试的人中间,只有百分之三十的人通过了。We have to sit (for) a history exam next week. 下周我们要参加历史考试。【用法补充】end-of-term意为“期末的”“期终的”。又如:He failed in the end-of-term exam. 他期末考试没有及格。The students did some excellent impressions of the teachers at the end-of-term party. 在期末联欢会上,学生模仿教师惟妙惟肖令人捧腹。22. 句中的 who doesn’t work hard 是什么从句?【教材原句】Your friend, who doesn’t work hard, asks you to help him / her cheat in the exam by looking at your paper. (p.1)译文:你一个平时学习不用功的朋友要你帮他(她)在考试中作弊,让他(她)看你的考试答卷。【用法说明】句中的 who doesn’t work hard 为非限制性定语从句,用以修饰先行词 your friend。类似的例子如:I met Mr Smith, who told me the news. 我遇见了史密斯先生,他告诉了我这个消息。I threw the ball to Tom, who threw it to Ann. 我把球扔给汤姆,他又把球扔给安。My sister, who is a nurse, came home for a few days. 我姐姐是护士,她回家待了几天。My daughter, who is in Boston now, is coming home next week. 我女儿现在在波士顿,下星期回来。I rang up Mrs Spencer, who did our accounts. 我给斯潘塞夫人打了电话,她给我们管账。He found a young and beautiful girl, who kept shouting and crying, obviously mad. 他发现了一个年轻貌美的姑娘,这个姑娘又喊又哭,分明是疯了。   说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~

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